Board of Trustees elections are EXTENDED to 5 pm, June 15, 2024.
To vote electronically:
1. Log in to this site (upper right corner). Contact P&A Management if you don't have login.
2. Fill out the ballot here. You are required to be logged in prior to clicking on this link.
Princeton Greens is a lovely community comprised of 143 townhomes and single-family houses located in West Windsor Township, with a Princeton address, nestled between Canal Pointe Boulevard and the Delaware and Raritan Canal.
Our community is managed by P&A Management, Inc. and seven elected Board of Trustees. We are governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey and our Association’s By-Laws. Homeowners pay monthly dues of $200 that cover landscaping, general maintenance of common areas which sustains our budget.
We are conveniently located near downtown Princeton, the University, and a short ride to the Princeton Junction train station. We are also near to Market Fair, Windsor Greens and all the shopping along Route 1. We take pride in the care of our beautiful landscaping, our tennis courts, two playgrounds and open spaces. We are fortunate to be part of the West Windsor School system which is one of the top school systems in New Jersey.